January 21, 2011

Work in Progress...

The construction is now made out of several modules, which can be extended to any thinkable scale. The module itself is shaped as a dodecahedron, a platonic solid that embodies stability and is extremely efficient at the same time. There are so many things to say about the dodecahedron, it appears in various fields, in mathematics, science, biology,....I´ve written about it before and will surely write some more!
So, the dodecahedron will from now on be refered to only as "dc".
The basic module has the form of a dc, and can be extended to more bigger and complex structures. There are no limits to this, as it can be continued depending on its environment. It is even thinkable to have structures underwater, in the desert, on rocks, in the forest adapted to trees....

Each dc-module is sized to fit one person, there are two floors for living, sleeping and cooking. As a complex it can form a hotel, a student residence, a science lab, or anything you can think of that needs several individual spaces. But even if you only add some modules, it could create living space for a small community or a family. 

Harmonices Mundi, or: Scientists were not only scientists once

„Die Geometrie ist einzig und ewig, ein Widerschein aus dem Geiste Gottes. Dass die Menschen an ihr teilhaben, ist mit eine Ursache dafür, dass der Mensch ein Ebenbild Gottes ist.“
– Dissertatio cum Nuntio Siderio, zit. n. M. Caspar: J. K. (1995), S. 106

"The dodecahedron is left for the celestial body, having the same number of faces as the Zodiac has signs. It can be shown that it has the greatest volume of all the figures, just as the heaven encloses everything else."
  –  The Harmony of the World, Johannes Kepler, 1619